Game Engine

a couple of weeks ago i started to work on a custom game engine for AIO.
i decicded to uses the graphics framework, which is basically a low level wrapper for OpenGL/Vulkan.

What is already working:

  • glTF support for model import
  • Texture import
  • Skybox rendering
  • Anti-Aliasing
  • PBR Shader

What I’m doing right now:

  • Line Renderer
  • Particle System


  • UI
  • Planet Shader

The UI will be based on ImGUI because natively supports it and is already working.
It will be a lot of work to port everything over, but i’m very positive to get this done in the next few weeks.

All the networking code is already in a seperate library and should be quite easy to integrate.

I have also moved all the game assets in a seperate repo to make it easier to switch between rendering engines.

Overall it is a huge time investment and certainly you can argue that it would be better for the game to just stick with unity, and i agree, but Unity’s recent actions in trying to change their licensing model are leaving me with not much room for choice here.